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A revision rhinoplasty in San Jose is any nasal procedure that is performed subsequent to a primary rhinoplasty. It can be performed to resolve any residual aesthetic or functional issues from a primary nasal surgery.

Rhinoplasty is among the most complex of all facial surgeries, and if performed incorrectly, can result in an unsatisfactory result, whether in appearance, breathing function, or both.  

Reasons to undergo rhinoplasty revision surgery

Patients who have problems after nose surgery are usually extremely disappointed, even devastated. Rhinoplasty, to be successful, requires the most advanced surgical techniques, ensuring the changes to the nose are correctly supported, and that the changes in size and shape match the patient’s vision or expectations. The reasons patients come to OG Aesthetics for a revision rhinoplasty include:

  • Nose still too large
  • Nose too small
  • Nose is uneven or asymmetrical
  • Nose bridge collapsed
  • Synthetic nose implant is visible
  • Too much bone or cartilage was removed in surgery
  • Nose tip is upturned
  • The nostrils are too large or arched in appearance
  • Pinched nose tip
  • Breathing function is compromised
  • Collapsed nose bridge
  • Columella (strip of tissue between nostrils) looks abnormal
  • Nose looks pointed
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Why choose OG Aesthetics for revision rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty is often quite challenging due to scarring, lack of cartilage and support and inherent healing concerns. At OG Aesthetics we have a thorough understanding of these issues and provide a specialized preoperative, operative and post operative plan to optimize these conditions.

Our double board-certified plastic surgeons are tasteful, welcoming, good-natured, and detail obsessed. We balance art, creativity, science, surgery, and innovation. A “botched” nose job requires the highest level of surgical skill, and advanced techniques. Our facial plastic surgeons are specialists in nose surgery and take on even the most complex cases with confidence, resolving all aesthetic and nose function problems with the highest level of skills and precision.

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A VIP experience 

In rhinoplasty revision, including cartilage transplants in cases in which another surgeon removed far too much of the natural nose structure. You can expect a supportive, nurturing experience, with two talented surgeons who are focused on achieving your personal aesthetic vision. Our surgeons balance art, creativity, science, surgery, and innovation. We perform advanced rhinoplasty revisions with total confidence, precision techniques, and bring you total relief from the consequences of a poorly performed primary nose surgery.

What occurs during a revision rhinoplasty?

Every revision of rhinoplasty is different. The problems left from a primary surgery vary widely from patient to patient. Generally, you can expect the surgery to be similar to what you experienced in the initial surgery. In some very extensive revision cases, the surgery may require harvesting and transferring natural cartilage from the ribs to rebuild the nose structure if the surgeon removed too much, or failed to create enough support for the nose, causing it to become misshapen, upturned, or the bridge to collapse and appear concave. 

Recovery from revision rhinoplasty

The recovery from revision rhinoplasty will require several weeks before you are ready to reveal your newly reshaped, corrected nose. You can expect to take a week to ten days off work. The revision required may have been far more complex than the primary surgery, and the recovery time would be longer, based on the extent of what must be done to correct the problems. If cartilage needed to be harvested and transferred to support the nose or rebuild areas from which too much natural structure was removed, the area where the cartilage was removed must also heal. 

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Functional problems after a primary rhinoplasty

A rhinoplasty may have achieved the look you envisioned but has impacted your ability to breathe freely. If you notice that your breathing has been affected, in one or both nostrils, you may need the inner structure of the nose repaired. During the surgery, the nasal valves may have been pinched or the surgeon altered the angle. This problem can be repaired with a custom revision rhinoplasty. Some patients have regular nosebleeds, which may be the result of a surgical error called a “septal perforation.”

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Meet with us about revision rhinoplasty.

We invite you to meet with us at OG Aesthetics to speak with us about revision rhinoplasty in San Jose. It is of critical importance that a revision is performed by a talented specialist who is familiar with the advanced techniques necessary for this delicate surgical procedure. At OG Aesthetics, you will be under the care of two facial plastic surgeons, who are meticulous, detail-oriented, and experienced performing complex revision rhinoplasty procedures.

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