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What is a brow lift?

The goal of a brow lift is to improve the appearance of your forehead, eyebrows, and eyelids — not to change the overall shape of your face. Depending on your goals, you may want just a limited brow lift or a combined procedure that includes a brow lift and other procedures, such as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a skin rejuvenation procedure. 

What is a limited brow lift?

A limited brow lift involves making small incisions within the hair-baring scalp: one at each temple and one in line with the lateral peak of the brow. Through these small access points, your surgeon will be able to adjust and reposition the muscles and skin of the forehead. 

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Why choose OG Aesthetics for your brow lift

When it comes to brow lift surgery, you want to choose a surgeon who is educated and experienced in the latest procedures. At OG Aesthetics in Menlo Park, our surgeons use the most up-to-date techniques to deliver dramatic yet natural results, with the least downtime possible. We offer a supportive, nurturing experience, which is important when undergoing any surgery. 

Our facility is fully equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technologies, so you can be sure you are under the care of true masters of the art of facial plastic surgery. If you’ve been looking for a cosmetic center with board-certified surgeons who balance art, creativity, science, and innovation, look no further than OG Aesthetics. We embrace inner beauty, and we are dedicated to achieving your personal aesthetic vision.

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Endoscopic brow lift vs. lateral brow lift

The endoscopic lift

The endoscopic lift is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat forehead laxity and brow heaviness. The procedure involves making a few small incisions in the scalp and inserting a scope into one of them. The scope is attached to a camera, which allows the surgeon to view the tissues and muscles on a screen. The surgeon then uses another device, inserted into another incision, to make the necessary adjustments. This may involve placing a temporary or permanent stitch or anchor below the scalp to hold the tissue in place. The advantages of this procedure include minimal scarring and a shorter recovery time.

A lateral brow lift

A lateral brow lift, also called a temporal brow lift, can help to remedy this problem by targeting only the outer one-third of the eyebrow. This surgical approach allows the plastic surgeon to change the shape of the brow to one that is more youthful and attractive. If you stand in front of a mirror and raise the outer portion of the brow with your finger and you find the change attractive, you may be a candidate for this procedure. In addition to giving the face a more refreshed look, a lateral brow lift can also help to minimize lines and wrinkles in the forehead and crow's feet area. 

What is the general procedure for a brow lift?

The type of brow lift you undergo will determine the specifics of the procedure, but it will typically involve:

  • After anesthesia is administered, small instruments will be inserted through your incisions.
  • The surgeon will divide and elevate some of the underlying muscles, repositioning them higher on the forehead if needed. They will also remove any excess skin. 
  • The incisions will be closed with absorbable or removable stitches. In some cases, skin adhesives or special clips are placed. 
  • After the procedure is complete, you will be released to return home, under the care of another adult, as you will be unable to drive after surgery.
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What is the recovery for brow lift surgery?

Recovery from a brow lift in San Jose generally takes about two weeks. You should be able to return to work within this time frame if you feel up to it. Bruising and swelling are common after surgery for at least two weeks. You may experience some numbness along your incisions, but this should dissipate over the next week or so. Our patients tell us they absolutely love that they look more youthful and refreshed, but in the most natural way.

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