I'm so excited to share my beautiful patient's brow lift results.
This patient came to see me because she felt like her brows were starting to appear heavy, particularly around the root of the nose. She was noticing a horizontal crease that was not improving with Botox. She had undergone an upper eyelid lift over a decade ago, but felt like her eyes were beginning to age her again. We decided to perform a customized endoscopic brow lift, with more elevation distributed to the central brows, as well as a revision upper blepharoplasty to address the fat pads that were starting to form bulges medially.

I love facial plastic surgery because it's all about precision – it's truly a game of millimeters. In this case, the slightest lift made all the difference. Notice how elevating the brows changes her expression from a stern, almost angered appearance, to a light-hearted, refreshed, and softer resting expression. It's funny because, even as children we subconsciously know this: expressing anger on a stick figure is as simple as drawing downward turned eyebrows.

Brow lifts open the eyes and return the gaze to a more youthful appearance. Notice how the eyes are more open now and highlight her beautiful shape and color. Notice on her lateral views the improved contour of the soft tissue under the brow. A lot of people have concerns that they will end up looking unnatural and surprised, but when performed correctly, this procedure simply restores a natural youthful anatomy.

We are both so happy with her results! She is such a wonderful person with bounding energy and a young-hearted spirit. I feel like her gaze now matches her personality. I'm so fortunate to have had the opportunity to be her surgeon!
If you feel like your eyes are starting to lose their brilliance, give us a call at 650.847.1466 or shoot us an email. We would love the opportunity to take excellent care of you!